Grief Recovery Method (Updated)

Did you come to this page because you're experiencing emotional pain from loss? 
I'm glad you are here.

  • Are you currently struggling with the pain of losing a significant relationship? Whether it's due to death, divorce, breakup, loss of a pet, life or career transition, health challenges, or any of the other 40 reasons why people grieve, we understand that the loss doesn't have to be recent; it could have occurred years ago.
  • It's okay if you're hesitant to talk about your loss because you're afraid to 'stir all those feelings up again.' We understand how difficult it can be. 
  • Do you find your grief suddenly activated by memories, sights, smells, or thoughts and don't know how to manage the hurt? 
  • Do you try to stay busy, focus on the good things, or use food, alcohol, shopping, or other relationships to dull the pain? 
  • Do you often feel isolated or alone because you know that your family or friends think you should be "getting over it" by now? The Grief Recovery Method understands that everyone's grief journey is unique and there is no timeline for healing.

If you said yes to any of these statements, please keep reading.

The Grief Recovery Method stands out as the only scientifically tested Evidence-Based Program that has been continuously refined and successfully used for the last 40+ years across multiple countries and in various languages. It provides a unique method to help people heal from loss(es). This action-oriented program teaches a step-by-step method to free you from the pain of grief and access the joy of life. While not therapy or a traditional support group, you will be, and you will feel, supported in a caring and safe environment. 


Listen to what the Grief Recovery Institute creator has to say: 

Hearts touching hearts, start your journey of healing today. 
Are you still wondering if this is the program for you?


Programs and Packages Available


One-on-One Grief Recovery Method - Individual Support

The one-on-one format is a powerful, dynamic, sensible step-by-step program for anyone wanting to take the necessary actions to move from loss to recovery. Additionally, this program is for those who prefer to work individually with Dr. Watson rather than in a group setting. One-on-one grief support is offered online in a Zoom format. Contact Dr. Watson about in-person session options for those living in the Treasure Valley in Idaho. 

One-on-One Program Details



 Helping Children with Loss Program

Parents and others entrusted with children want to help them in every possible way, especially when they experience a loss due to a painful event. The Helping Children with Loss program provides helpful information and proven tools to effectively assist children in navigating through the emotions of various significant losses. Examples are an important person's death, parents' divorce, moving, changing schools, losing a pet, and many other events. This 4-week program is available in a group format online worldwide in Zoom format. Contact Dr. Watson about in-person session options for those living in the Treasure Valley in Idaho. 

 Helping Children With Loss



Unlock the path to healing with The Grief Recovery Method.

This effective program, guided by Dr. Watson, a certified advanced grief recovery specialist, provides the tools and support needed to overcome grief and move forward. Don't let loss hold you back. Start your journey toward recovery with The Grief Recovery Method today.

Still not sure?

Schedule a no-obligation strategy session to answer any questions you may have.

Get to Know Your Certified Advanced Recovery Specialist

Jo-Ellen Watson


I was born in Washington State and raised in a small town outside Walla Walla. My parents owned a family business and were involved in the life of our community. I learned the value of hard work and the importance of contributing to my school and hometown. I had animals to care for, gardening with my mom, enjoyed camping with my family, was active in Girl Scouts, and by participating in Equine 4-H, became an accomplished rider. Unfortunately, my early childhood was tainted by the trauma of sexual abuse, which remained a family secret. Like many children from similar situations, I learned to cope by repressing painful memories. I tried to prove my value by excelling academically, socially, and in other activities, some of which were risky and unhealthy. I continued that pattern well into adulthood.

After receiving a BA in Sociology from Washington State University, I moved to Seattle, residing there for fifty years. I enjoyed the excitement of a large city and took full advantage of all the career and social opportunities. I continued to excel at my work and education endeavors, receiving advanced degrees, including years of additional training in health and mental health care. My career equipped me with valuable skills and experiences, which I now draw on in my coaching, speaking, and training services.

Like many of you reading this story, I have experienced significant trauma and loss in my life. While professionally rewarding, my employment as a veterinary technician, ambulance EMT, social worker in a trauma unit, and later first responder mental health crisis worker took a personal toll. In my 30s, I experienced a life-threatening abduction and assault by a stranger. I escaped the situation without bodily injury, but coupled with my childhood trauma, I suffered from PTSD for years before receiving help.

I have benefited from the compassionate care of mental health providers, including a psychiatrist I worked with after the adult trauma. He told me he was impressed with my ability to repeatedly reinvent myself, evolving into a better, more potent version of myself. After one session, he exclaimed, "You are like the Phoenix Rising," hence the logo of my coaching services.

I share this part of my story so that you know I understand the emotional pain of similar losses you may have endured and are currently experiencing. While I may not know your experience exactly, I can relate to the confusion, isolation, and questions about what to do next. Yet, I also know that healing, transformation, power, and revitalization are within your reach. I found these through my work with The Grief Recovery Method.